The Invention of Baby Food What’s good and when to offer it

Supermarket shelves showing a bewildering arrays of different types and formats of baby food

Amy Bentley portrait

In the 1950s and 1960s, the paediatric establishment in America convinced mothers to start solid foods in the first month of baby’s life, and sometimes even before they had left the hospital. This was considered a good idea even though the average baby wouldn’t have a tooth in its head for another five or six months. Amy Bentley, a professor at New York University, has charted the rise and continuing rise of baby food, from its earliest emergence in upstate New York and Michigan to its proliferation today. Commercial baby foods made sense, she thinks, as a safer and more convenient alternative to home-made options, and still today may form the bedrock of the best-nourished period of a child’s life. But they also reflected an American exceptionalism rooted in the triumph of World War Two.

Early advertisement for Gerber baby food

The adorable infant in Gerber’s advertisements was originally a pencil sketch that the artist said she would finish in colour if selected. Gerber preferred the sketch, and “repeated requests” prompted the company to offer a reproduction, suitable for framing, in exchange for 10¢. Strangest of all, some people seemed to think the baby was Humphrey Bogart, who was 29 qwhen the sketch was made. A little old for baby food.


  1. Get a copy of Inventing Baby Food: Taste, Health, and the Industrialization of the American Diet from an independent bookshop. And here is Amy Bentley’s website.
  2. I’ve been trying to keep you up-to-date with the lead contamination story in Eat This Newsletter, but just last week Marion Nestle took a look at lead and pesticides in baby food.
  3. Here is the transcript.
  4. I took the photos of baby food.

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Eat This Podcast Xmas Quiz You can’t win unless you enter

Mosaic of cover art from the 18 episodes of 2023
Perhaps this will help while away a few minutes as you wait for a new episode to drop. One question for each of this year’s 18 episodes. There will be prizes, but I want to try and ensure that they are things you actually want, so probably tokens or gift cards of some sort. You have until midnight GMT on 1 January 2024 to submit your entry

NB: I need an operational email to ensure I can tell you if you are a winner. That is all I will use it for.

Black Stoneflower: A unique Indian spice A 25-year effort to track down an elusive but ubiquitous source of flavour in Indian cooking

A branch encrusted with Parmotrema petrolatum, Black Stoneflower, a lichen used as a spice in many Indian dishes

Cover artwork

In 1997, Priya Mani fished something strange out of the cauliflower soup she was served at a wedding banquet in India. She didn’t know what it was, she knew only that she was not willing to eat it. Twenty-five years later, her article in Art of Eating shared her discoveries about a spice essentially unknown even in India, one that makes a very elusive contribution to flavour, best described as “you know it when it’s missing”.

Priya Mani eventually identified the strange thing in her soup as a lichen called Parmotrema perfolatum, commonly known in English as black stoneflower. Lichens are an odd group of plants made up of algae or bacteria living within the cells of a fungus. You’ve seen them on rocks and trees, I’m sure. Black stoneflower turns out to be ubiquitous in Indian cooking, though its presence is not often remarked. Its popularity may now be threatening its survival.


  1. Priya Mani has two Instagram channels, and @cookalore, which is a showcase for her Visual Encyclopaedia of Indian Cooking.
  2. Her article Tasting a Tasteless Taste: Stoneflower Lichens as a Spice in Indian Food is in Art of Eating No. 111 and, contrary to what I said in the podast, seems to be available to read.
  3. With apologies for the delay, here is the transcript.
  4. Banner photo by Priya Mani. Cover photo of putative Black Stone Flower by s_bala.
  5. You do know about John Wyndham’s book Trouble with Lichen, I hope.

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A New Story for Maize Domestication It took two teosintes

Photomontage of a man atop a giant ear of corn at a country fair with assembled onlookers gawping at the scene

Portrait bust of Mayan maize god The ancestry of modern maize has long been a puzzle. Unlike other domesticated grasses, there didn’t seem to be any wild species that looked like the modern cereal and from which farmers could have selected better versions. For a long time, botanists weren’t even sure which continent maize was from. That seemed to be settled with the discovery in lowland Mexico of teosinte, a wild and weedy relative of maize, and a lot of work to understand the genetic changes from teosinte to maize. The big problem was that the genetic work also seemed to contradict the story, by finding remnants of different types of teosinte. A new research paper sorts out the story, which is now more complicated, better understood, and offers some hope for future maize breeding.


  1. A summary of their research by Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra and his colleagues is available at Science.
  2. Here is the transcript.
  3. Cover photo, sculpted head of a Mayan maize god, “represented as a vigorous youth with flowing hair likened to corn leaves”, he was considered to be the quintessence of beauty and refinement. Taken by me at Dumbarton Oaks in Washington DC. Banner photo by William H. Martin, who became very rich making these sorts of postcards.

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Adulterated Honey: Not Pure, and Not Simple Either But then, neither is honey

Unlabelled jars of honey on shelves

The available figures on honey adulteration are pretty alarming: 46% of samples in the EU, 100% of honey exported from the UK, more than a quarter of Australian samples “of questionable authenticity”. However, as Matt Phillpott pointed out in a recent episode of Eat This Podcast, one of the great difficulties honey poses is that it is so variable. All of the many “natural” components of honey vary from batch to batch, hive to hive, season to season, so that while a specific “unnatural” chemical might unambiguously signal adulteration, other kinds of evidence are a lot less cut and dried.

That kind of uncertainty spurred the Government Chemist, the UK’s official food inspector, to look at the evidence behind a claim in the Daily Mail that “Supermarket brands of honey are ‘bulked out with cheap sugar syrups made from rice and corn’”. Behind that headline, with its exculpatory quotation marks, the Mail back-pedalled slightly[1] and allowed the supermarkets to cast doubt on both the results and the robustness of the tests, carried out by a German laboratory.

What to do

The Mail’s article was based on a report from the German company, which did not contain all the data from the tests, but rather an opinion on what those tests showed. To some extent, that’s what the supermarkets were arguing against, saying that their own tests were more reliable, or more trustworthy, or something.To try and settle the matter the Government Chemist posed two questions:

1) Is it acceptable to report an adverse interpretation without exhibiting all the supporting data? (2) How may a valid overarching authenticity opinion be derived from a large partially conflicting dataset?

Two papers in the journal Science of Food offer answers.[2]


In the first, the researchers looked at the details in three sample Certificates of Analysis (CoA) from the German laboratory, focussing on the specific measurements, and they pick up several inconsistencies. This is not the place to go into detail — there’s plenty in the papers — just to note that the laboratory described some samples as “compliant” even though the measurements were not different to those from samples described as “non-compliant”. These differences point to the larger problem of identifying adulterated honey: honey’s natural variability, made worse by disagreement between different analytical techniques.

The paper cites, for example, a small study in which Danish beekeepers sent 14 samples (definitely not adulterated) to two different companies, including the German laboratory. Both companies said that 4 of the 14 were adulterated. The beekeepers say that is impossible (allowing for the possibility of emergency feeding sugar solution ending up in the honey). The companies disagreed on another four samples; one found evidence of possible fraud, the other did not. The beekeepers asked for a different analytical test to be carried out on seven of the eight samples flagged as possibly adulterated; all seven were found to be “not adulterated and without feed residues”.

The Government Chemist’s paper concludes that “The summary opinion of the reporting laboratory … was unequivocally that the samples were noncompliant. However our critical examination of the CoA data reveals a much more nuanced picture from which it is currently difficult to draw a definitive opinion on the authenticity of the samples examined.”

Laboratories should make their detailed analyses available, rather than their summary judgements.


The second paper offers a potential way forward, by looking at the balance of probabilities and presenting conclusions suitable for a legal decision. That seems sensible given that, at least in the UK, food law is a matter for criminal justice. This approach, known as evaluative reporting, follows three basic steps.

First is a question for the analytical laboratory: is the test sample typical or atypical compared to a reference set of typical samples? One value is unlikely to be enough, and even a typical value does not let the sample off the hook as it may be that the adulterant is too dilute to be detected, or may not be detectable at all with the chosen technique. Likewise, a single atypical value does not condemn the sample, but should trigger extra tests, as in the Danish beekeepers’ study.

Second is to put some sort of number on the likelihood that an atypical result is indeed the result of adulteration rather than chance. This is the likelihood ratio, a statistical measure that compares the probability of the result being true under the two conditions, actual adulteration vs an “accident” not the result of adulteration. If the two probabilities are roughly the same, then clearly there is not much support for the charge that adulteration is to blame. If the probability of the accidental hypothesis is much lower than the probability of the adulteration hypothesis, support for the “truth” of adulteration is stronger.

A key point is that one can convert the likelihood ratio into a verbal form, from “moderate support” where the probability of the accidental hypothesis is up to 100 times less than the adulteration hypothesis to “extremely strong support” where the accidental hypothesis is more than 10,000 times less likely than the adulteration hypothesis.

Stage three then would be a decision, based on the all the evidence, to do something about the sample.

Yes, but …

That’s all well and good, and the paper offers a couple of worked examples to show why, for instance, a summary that the German laboratory based on its measurement of the enzyme diastase was flawed. Using a likelihood ratio requires having a good estimate of the probabilities of certain markers being present in genuinely unadulterated samples. Caramel, for example, may be added by adulterers to mimic the dark colour of forest honey. It could also, perhaps, be present in unadulterated samples, though it is hard to imagine how. In any case, to be able to offer strong or very strong support for the proposition that caramel signals adulteration, it would have to be undetected in at least 1000 samples of pure honey.

The battle against fraudulent honey will thus need, in addition to new analytical techniques to detect new cunning adulteration, the development of agreed databases representing typical measurements for a wide range of honeys. To that end, a month ago the Government Chemist published a Protocol for the Collection of Honey Reference Samples, a global first. The hope is that the protocol “will help in standardising how authenticity databases are built and curated and will lead to more trust in them”.

That’s unlikely to stop adulteration, which remains far too profitable, or satisfy supermarkets, who all want to proclaim their own monitoring as superior. However it might, eventually, with the recommendations of how to interpret and present the data, bring some adulterators to a form of justice.

  1. “If the analysis, using a new generation of ‘nuclear magnetic resonance’ tests, is proven, it would represent the UK’s biggest food fraud since the horsemeat scandal in 2013.”  ↩

  2. Honey authenticity: the opacity of analytical reports – part 1 defining the problem and Honey authenticity: the opacity of analytical reports—part 2, forensic evaluative reporting as a potential solution, both open access.  ↩