Eat This Newsletter 087 Remember, remember

  1. The packet says “100% Grated Parmesan Cheese”. What would you expect to be inside? Me too, along with “85–90% of consumers”. But a court disagrees.

  2. Quick follow-up on last issue’s all about noodles. Australians love Asian food, so why doesn’t it win as many awards as Italian?

  3. The (US) Food and Drug Administration’s latest statement on the romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak, as interpreted by The New Food Economy.

  4. Latest use it or lose it story – eat this rare pig. Pilpul of the week: is a pig with an uncloven hoof still unclean?

  5. Fishy news: There are places where even the most sustainable practices possible cannot support all the people who want to fish there.

  6. The Rye Baker reflects on his tour of the Baltics. Maybe next year …

  7. I’m a total sucker for this stuff. Aerial photos reveal the hypnotic geometry of farming.

  8. Fraud in organic farming? I’m shocked, I tell, you. Shocked!

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