Eat This Newsletter 068

11 December 2017

  1. Oooh, Mark Bittman triggers a spat in the young farmer good food movement.
  2. Bittman doesn’t seem too savvy about the history of American farm policy, unlike you (if you heard Rethinking the folk history of American agriculture). He could catch up with the latest article from that show’s guests, Nathan Rosenberg and Bryce Wilson Stucki.
  3. Are you ready for another myth buster? The Farm Bill is not the reason junk food is cheap. Because the whole point of junk food is to add “value” to the cheapest possible ingredients.
  4. Growing commodities that aren’t quite so cheap is beginning to gain traction in the heartland.
  5. While adding value to commodities that aren’t quite so cheap is the next step in community restoration.
  6. After which, I need to reiterate my wish to be able to find non-American stories more easily, like this one: I swallowed the hype about the earliest wine makers in Georgia. Luckily there are people who know enough about the subject to pour a little cold water on it.

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